Saturday, April 11, 2009

nowhere man

The Obama cult of the duped, are silent, but staunchly hopeful. The masterful con, skilfully and successfully perpetrated on the masses, has a little transparency. The obsequious Emperor isn't wearing clothes. The usual diversions of Paris Hilton,the octomom,Brad and Jen/Angelina, Madonna, the latest J Crewe outfit worn by the first lady,whether she touched the Queen or whether the Queen touched her, the new reality shows, combined with dubious propaganda methods, always conditioned the masses. Who to like, when to like,what to wear, what to want, how to live , are an imperative in the American mores and the brain washed and priveleged society,subject to bland daily onslaughts, has become disillusioned.
Wells Fargos' stepford approach, to reassure it's customers that they are really the good guys, not the bail out bums, after all, becomes an American Fellini world. Middle class refugees flee to tent cities, popping up in every state, people move in to their cars ,jobs disappear and the dollar, the new Peso, is a creative venture.Home printing presses, replace the video games. Awash with recycling buffs, earning their daily bread, the transformation of the American dream, within a sphere of ignorance, is visible.Ghost towns emasculate the landscape. The average entitled and self absorbed American, always protected from the outside world, so far, is beginning to doubt and wonder about America the blah blah blah.
Yet there is often a sweet side to the superficial, arrogant, American who resembles a teenager , a superpower of people, mostly through ignorance and apathy, support a government of murderers, just like Nazi Germany did. Some follow the teachings of a cult leader, who is truly a madman, Pat Robertson.In contrast ,others believe in the teachings of great figures, like Martin King or ghandi.The mixed American conundrum is not viable, again it is the teenage mentality of the nation.

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